Union-North United
The curriculum at Union-North United follows the academic standards (https://www.doe.in.gov/standards) set by the Indiana Department of Education. Union-North United students have 1:1 access to technology with iPads in Kindergarten – 1st grade, and Chromebooks in Grades 2-12.
Teachers use Canvas (grades 7 – 12) or Google Classroom (grades 3-6) to connect students with daily agendas, assignments and lesson resources.
The LaVille Elementary Math teachers use Curriculum Associates Ready Classroom Mathematics© . “Utilizing a combination of worktext and digital experiences, Ready Classroom Mathematics allows students to opportunity to interact with the mathematical instruction and strengthen their understanding. Teachers use data which allows on-level intervention and enrichment instruction.” Ready
At LaVille Jr.-Sr. High School, math students in grades 7-12 use Pearson enVisionmath 2.0© or enVisionAGA©. “enVision math 2.0 for middle school emphasizes conceptual understanding and procedural skills through problem solving, interactive experiences, and visual learning. Personalized math practice, built-in interventions, and customizable content deepen understanding and improve achievement.”
The Indiana Math Standards can be found here: Indiana Math Standards.
Beginning in the Fall of 2019, Reading teachers are using Pearson myView Literacy© (Kindergarten – Grade 5).” myView Literacy is a comprehensive English Language Arts(ELA) curriculum for students in Grades K-5. It provides a balanced approach to teaching reading, writing, speaking, listening, and thinking through Reading and Writing Workshops. The all-new, print and digital curriculum includes authentic texts and mini lessons, flexible resources, and meaningful differentiation.” myView Literacy
Grades 6, 7 and 8 use Pearson myPerspectives ©. “myPerspectives is a brand new English language arts curriculum for Grades 6–12 that values the perspective of the learner, collectively and individually, and provides next-gen learning experiences that promote higher achievement and develop the competencies needed for college and career readiness. Interactive learning blends print and technology in a student-centered, teacher-inspired classroom. This dynamic Pearson program creates an interactive, engaging, and relevant learning environment through readings, meaningful activities, and purposeful performance tasks. myPerspectives encourages social collaboration as well as student ownership of learning through goal setting, choice, and reflection.” myPerspectives
The Indiana English/Language Arts Standards can be found here: ELA Standards
Grades 7 and 8 use Discovery Education Digital Science Techbooks ©. :Built on the 5E model, Science Techbook provides exciting multimedia, virtual activities and hands-on labs with model lessons, STEM project starters, and standard-aligned assessments.” Discovery Education