This page is intended as a resource for LaVille students, parents, teachers, and community members. Please click on the link(s) below for information on how we plan to provide a safe educational environment. If you have any questions please email
Quarantine Protocols FAQ
Please note: these procedures are subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances.
Elementary, if students are quarantined as an individual, they will be asked to complete work on their learning management system (SeeSaw, Google Classroom or Canvas depending on grade) posted by the teacher. If an entire class is out, students will receive developmentally appropriate live instruction via Google Meet and then will be asked to complete tasks on their LMS independently. If an entire class is out and some students come back earlier than others, the teacher will have live Google Meets until the first in-person student arrives: then they’ll post work on Canvas. The teacher will communicate the online schedule with parents. Specials teachers will post videos or work on the LMS and may have Google Meets.
Students at the Jr.-Sr. High are asked to continuously check Canvas and complete as much work as possible so they don’t fall behind. They have the number of days missed to complete make-up work.
Quarantined students have a covid-specific attendance code. If a student fails to complete work (or attend Google Meets at the Elementary), teachers are asked to alert their building level assistant principal. The assistant principal and/or social worker will follow up with the family.
Grades will be given similar to assignments in person.
If a student doesn’t have wifi access, they can request a hotspot through Lisa Laidig ( at the Jr.-Sr. High and Debbie Keen ( or Lori Kiefer ( at the Elementary.
LaVille COVID-19 Plan
Resources For Students returning To School:
Resources For Parents: