April 26, 2021

Union-North United School Corporation
Lakeville, Indiana
Board of School Trustees Meeting
Monday, April 26, 2021
7:00 p.m.
The meeting will be held in the LaVille Elementary Library
12645 Tyler Rd., Lakeville,IN 46536
Call to Order
Pledge of Alligiance
Roll Call
Patron Comments on Agenda Action Items
*The public is invited to speak for 3 minutes on action items.
Approval of Agenda
*Chris Muvceski will give an update on the building projects.
Consent Vote
A member of the Board may request any item be removed from the consent items and voted on separately.
Consent Item #1. Meeting Minutes: April 12, 2021 Regular Meeting Minutes as presented.
Consent Item #2. Personnel: Resignation of David Burden, principal at the Elementary, effective at the end of the school year.
New Walk-in Freezer
*Cindy Hanson has received three quotes for her new walk-in freezer planned for the Elementary. C&T Design was the winner of the bidding with a low price of $48,249.52. $30,000 of this money will be received from the grant Cindy won earlier this year. The project is planned for this summer with demolition starting once school is finished.
Policy 6470
*Policy 6470 – Payment of Claims.
Waste Removal
*The agreement for waste removal is up for renewal with Republic Services. There is a 3% increase with the service locked in over a two-year period.
Bashor Agreement
*There are times when we come across a student or students whose social emotional needs cannot be met. These students can cause an unsafe environment for both students and teachers. Bashor Children’s Home specializes in working with this type of student, and we would like to be able to use this service as an alternative placement for these situations.
Superintendent Comments
Board Comments
Next Meeting Dates
*May 10, 2021 – Regular Board Meeting.
*May 15, 2021 – Retreat
*May 24, 2021 – Regular Board Meeting.