Posted April 12, 2021

Union-North United School Corporation

Board of School Trustees Meeting

Monday, April 12, 2021

Lakeville, Indiana
7:00 p.m.
The meeting will be held in the LaVille Jr. Sr. High School Media Center
69969 US 31 South, Lakeville,IN 46536


Call to Order


Pledge of Allegiance


Roll Call


Patron Comments on Agenda Action Items

*The public is invited to speak for 3 minutes on action items.  


Approval of Agenda


Principal’s Report

*Mr. Edison will give a report on LaVille Jr. Sr. High School.


Consent Vote

*A member of the Board may request any item be removed from the consent items and voted on separately.


Consent Item #1. Meeting Minutes:  March 8, 2021 Regular Meeting Minutes and claim numbers 11833-11983 totaling $1,255,739.04 as presented. 


Consent Item #2.  Personnel:

Heather Donahue as Elementary Yearbook Sponsor at $700.00

I have accepted the retirement of Kevin McCullough PE teacher at the Jr. Sr. High effective at the end of the year.


Success Hour:

Katelyn Freet will join the Elementary teachers who are doing Success Hour. She will receive $25.50 per hour.


Kindergarten Round Up:

Blair Endicott worked one hour at $50.58 per hour

Jessica Skelton worked two hours at $34.95 per hour for a total of $69.90


Winter Supervision:

Isaac Eash was paid $1,845

Debbie Pippenger was paid $990

Dale Pippenger was paid $945


Marching Band Volunteers:

Patrick Houser – Battery Percussion

Hailey Casper – Battery Percussion

Jillian Miller – Front Ensemble Percussion

Olivia Urban – Color Guard


Consent Item #3.  Donations:  

The athletic department received a donation of $1000 to go towards the golf team from Roger and Kathy Griggs.  The money will be spent on team jerseys and golf clubs.


FiveStar Pivot

*Fivestar Pivot is the program the administrators use to complete the evaluations of staff. 


Policy 6470

 *Policy 6470 –  Payment of Claims.


Dietician Contract

*This is a continuation of a contract that has been approved over the last several years with our dietician, Kaylyn MacKillop.  Kaylyn is a welcomed support for Cindy Hanson, and the contract lists the services Kaylyn provides for us.


Superintendent Comments


Board Comments


Next Meeting Dates

*April 26, 2021 – Regular Board Meeting.

*May 10, 2021 – Regular Board Meeting.

